Okay blog, I have a confession. I have been avoiding you. It has been a very tough week at BG and if you follow any of the other BG volunteer's blogs you probably already know the whole situation. I am not quite sure what to say about the whole thing so bear with me through this blog post. Soooo, I guess I will start with the facts. 3 Beautiful Gate children went to be with Jesus between Friday and Monday. They were all under a year old and they all passed for different reasons. I have only been to 2 funerals before that I remember and they were both when I was very young. So, it has been a while since I have had someone close to me pass away. It took a couple days for it all to sink in for me, but going in the houses this week and not seeing their faces makes it all too real. It is also strange to think that the last death BG had was in the middle of 2011 and now all of the sudden there is 3 in a row. The staff are hurting, but it is encouraging to still see the smiles on their faces through everything. The Lord is still good and it is in HIM that we place our trust. On Saturday morning, the day after the first child passed away, a few of us volunteers went to the hospital to visit the 3 children in the hospital. We were going to encourage our staff there and to pray over the kids. That morning I woke up that morning really struggling emotionally with everything that was going on while also being anxious about going home in a month. As we were walking through the halls of the hospital we were stopped by a man behind us who asked us why we were at the hospital and if we were Christians. We told him we were Christians and we were visiting a few of the orphans from Beautiful Gate. He all the sudden said, "Oh, you are doing such good things, let us sing a song for you!" He then picked a song and turn to his daughter to give her the starting pitch. They sang the song in perfect harmony and it brought me to tears. Here is the song they sang to us:
Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord;
Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word.
Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak,
Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek.
Take time to be holy, the world rushes on;
Spend much time in secret, with Jesus alone.
By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be;
Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.
I walked away from that moment in awe of the Lord's presence in such an unlikely place. I kept thinking to myself, "God knows, God knew I needed that encouragement this morning." My attitude and feelings towards that day completely changed. Instead of having a mind full of anxieties and doubts, my mind sang, "Thank You Jesus, Thank You Jesus!"
"But I will sing about Your strength.
In the morning I will sing about Your love.
You are my defender, my place of safety in times of trouble"
-Psalm 59:16
I am filled with so many emotions going into my last month at BG. I am thankful that the Lord called me here and I got to meet so many amazing people and children. I am curious to see what the future holds. I am sad that I have to say goodbye to my children and friends. I am excited to see my family again. I am missing the children that recently went to be with Jesus. I am hopeful that I would be able to return to BG one day.
Please keep BG in your prayers as we have the funerals next week for the children who passed away. Thank you so much!
peace and love.