Monday, July 9, 2012


Today, for the first time, I felt a feeling of readiness that I had not yet experienced. That feeling was an answer to many of my prayers over the last 6 months....God, help me to be READY. Whatever that meant. Now, I know what it means. It means giddy excitement to meet 60 beautiful children. It means 2 fully packed bags that are just 47 pounds (SCORE). It means "see you laters" and not "goodbyes." It means hundreds of people letting you know they will be praying for you. It means an awesome and supportive family getting all set to track my flights. It means wonderful friends already planning skype dates.  It means feeling the Lord's presence in every inch of the days leading up to this point. I am ready because the Lord is in this. He is going before me, with me, and behind me. And now I am just pretty much stoked for what lies ahead me. :)



  1. yeaaa first comment. YOU WILL HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!!

  2. It's crazy, but I check this blog religiously everyday to see if you posted anything. I might have a heartattack when you actually do. Give all the children hugs and love for me!
    -your bestest friend ever, Jamie.

  3. DUDE IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU (and maybe jealous). I am SUPER happy for you that you feel at home. I want a skype date :) (but its okay if you have too many dates and don't have time..)

    by the way this blog is a super good idea :)
