Monday, November 19, 2012


TWINS!! Twins arrived at Beautiful Gate last night! Me and Mercy were sitting on the front porch watching the sunset and talking about heaven when the social worker came and told us about their arrival. The twins are about 2 months old but still only around 4 pounds. They are so tiny!! I heard they were premature, and since they are so small only a few of the house mothers are allowed to hold them at this point. For the past couple weeks we kept hearing that they were coming but it kept getting pushed off. The nurses at the hospital have been on strike lately the twins were not getting cared for properly. When we found this out our social worker and nurse worked to get them out of there as soon as possible. I am so thankful that they ended up here at Beautiful Gate! After just talking to Mercy about heaven and then getting to meet the twins, I was so excited for heaven where there are no malnourished children. Please pray that they GROW and get to a healthy weight soon!

This past week was very bittersweet for me. November 14 is the date I would have gotten home had I not extended. I do not regret extending my stay, it just was strange to think, "I could be home with my family and friends right now." On the 14th I was sitting with "my boy" on my lap trying to imagine saying goodbye to him. It just reminded me that my time here is not about me or what I do, but rather about loving Christ and loving these kids. This week has also made me very excited for the next 4 months. Its 4 more months of holding babies (rough, I know). 4 more months of hospital runs. 4 more months of beautiful African singing. 4 more months of adoptions. 4 more months of being called, "Ausi Paigie."  4 more months of waking up on weekends to the sound of laughing and screaming children. 4 more months of pure joy that only comes from the Lord. 4 more months being in awe of the Father.

Hey. Thanksgiving is this week. WHO KNEW? Not me. It honestly does not feel like the holiday season at all here. The weather here is very very warm which makes it very hard to want to wear ugly Christmas sweaters and all that jazz to get in the holiday spirit. This Thanksgiving will be a special one I think. I am excited. I will have to tell you about how it goes next week!

Sorry for the short update this week.

peace and love.

PS. CONGRATS to my little brother who made the Freshman basketball team this week!


  1. Such a beautiful header for your blog!!
    I just have to ask if it´s my little girl? Hlompho? So much like her=)
    I have e-mailed you but not heard from you so I wonder if the mail got stuck in your spam maybe?
    Cuddle and hugs from Hlompho-Minou and mother AnnaCarin

  2. It does look a lot like her!! But its actually another child :) I just rechecked my inbox to see if I missed it and I realized I did! I will e-mail you back right away. Have a great day!
