Tuesday, January 8, 2013

a powerful prayer.

Just a quick post today. Enjoy.

I don't even know where to start. Well, I guess I will start by saying that "goodbyes" are no fun. No fun at all. Many tears were shed Monday as we said goodbye to the team of 9 girls from Azusa Pacific University. Its amazing how quickly friendships were formed. I was so humbled by this team and how intentional they were with including me on many of their game and movie nights. It was great to hang out with some girls my age. This team helped me feel like an 18 year old again. This team was actually here for a study abroad class so they had a big presentation and paper they worked very hard on while they were here. Most of the girls were Social Work majors. Sunday night we were invited down to watch their presentations. I was so impressed with all of them! The girls experienced first hand many realities of the topic they chose, so they were all very passionate about what they were presenting. I learned a lot from the presentations and I loved seeing aspects of Lesotho through different people's eyes. Monday morning before they left, many of the girls were spending their last few hours in play group with the kids. The play group coordinator asked one of the older boys to stand up and pray for the team as they were leaving. The 7 year old stood up and starting praying this beautiful long prayer in Sesotho. Though we had no idea what he was saying, all us girls were in tears. Here was this little boy who understood the power and the beauty of prayer. At the end it was translated for us and she said he had thanked God that the team could come and play with them. He also asked that God would keep them safe as they traveled and that they would come back soon. That is why I love Beautiful Gate. That is why I love these children. They love the Lord. They love to sing to Him and they love to pray to Him. I am so blessed and thankful I was able to get to know these girls and I have a feeling at least a few of them will be coming back :)

A few pictures from the week.

another one of my lion friends

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