Saturday, July 11, 2015


In the past month I feel like I have constantly saying goodbye. In the month of June there were 2 amazing teams that came to volunteer at BG. One team was from my high school, Holland Christian, and the other was a high school team from Crosspoint Church in California. Both groups worked so hard and I became good friends with many of them. Then, after 10 days I had to say goodbye. Its a normal yet not so fun part about the missionary life.

Then, this weekend I had to say goodbye to 2 long term volunteers that I have lived with and worked with over the past month and a half. Laurie has been here for 4 months, and Casie has been here for 8 months Their farewell ceremony was an emotional one to say the least. Their house mothers wept as they said their last goodbyes to the girls they called their daughters. They both loved the kids so well and invested so much to make this place like home for them. Their joy and laughter is going to be missed around campus. Even though selfishly I want them to stay here with me, I am learning to let go and trust the Lord's sovereign plan for their life...whether that means I will get to see them again or not.

Though I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to this place once again at the end of the summer, I am thankful I can have peace knowing that God's perfect plan is so much bigger than me and bigger than Lesotho.

Ausi Paige

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